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Today is my mom and dad’s 35th Anniversary! THIRTY FIVE YEARS!! Isn’t that amazing? It seems most people today can’t even make it past 10 years let alone 30! To this I say Congratulations Mom and Dad and thank you for being such a great example to my sister and I.

I often wonder in my own marriage how Mike and I will keep that spark alive. Thankfully in the eight years we’ve been married we’ve found that despite the low points, the high points seem to get higher and higher every year. I’ve often hinted at some ways that Mike could be a bit more romantic, but for the most part he does a pretty decent job. However, in order to continue encouraging him I’ve found a wonderful site that offers every husband ideas to romance their wife.

Romance for Everyone is a great site in which you can find great ideas for showing your wife you love her, from taking her on a romantic date to writing her romantic love letters. If you are looking for a way to spice up your marriage or show your spouse you love them, this site is FULL of excellent ideas in which to do just that.

As for me, I think I may just set Romance For Everyone as my hubby’s homepage so that he gets some good ideas 😉 Think he’ll notice??

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!

Posted in Rantings

Ready or Not?

I don’t usually cover political topics here on my blog. First because I don’t really get into all of the hype that surrounds political figures and their beliefs. Secondly because it’s normally a topic that steps on more toes than I am willing to step on.

Today marks an interesting day in this country’s existence. The invitation and arrival of a known terrorist supporter on our country’s soil. The thought of it really makes me shudder. I’ve heard over and over how this is what makes our country so great, the ability to free speech and the ability to protest that speech if we so feel inclined. I’ve walked that line over the last day or so since hearing this story of understanding why they would want to hear from him all the way to the other side of being down right MAD that they would be stupid enough to invite someone like this man to our country.

I know his arrival is not being celebrated, not even by those who invited him, but at the same time, I can’t help but feel sorry for those who will have to sit there and listen to this man talk about what is mentioned in this quote taken from FoxNews:

“When we take a look around us, we are not happy with what we see,” Ahmadinejad said through an interpreter, via video. “Threats of war have affected everyone. Continuous wars have in fact hurt the human spirit. If we look at the root cause of some of these problems, we will be able to think about how to build a better future, a more prosperous future based on peace and security of all humanity.”

This man has ADMITTED to aiding in terrorist attacks, selling weapons to Iraq that have killed OUR soldiers, and now building nuclear weapons. It is a well known fact that he is a liar and that he is as big an anti-semite as they come! He has been known to question the reality of the Holocaust by calling it a myth and wanting to wipe Israel out.

I can’t help but wonder if we are hearing the antichrist himself. Our pastor is doing a sermon series right now on the end times. We’ve been looking at the “signs” which Christ tells us to look out for in order to know the end is coming.

To hear Columbia University’s reasoning behind their invitation I wonder just how much we need to know about the enemy…quote:

“It’s extremely important to know who the leaders are of countries that are your adversaries,” Bollinger told ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “To watch them to see how they think, to see how they reason or do not reason. To see whether they’re fanatical or to see whether they are sly.”

Do we need to invite him onto our soil to watch him to see how he thinks or reasons? No. Ahmadinejad’s idea of justice is to kill those who speak out against him. Can’t we look at his actions as we know of them without having to listen to the lies that come out of his mouth?

Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, is probably the only one who seems to get how stupid this whole idea is. He said, “I think he’s said enough that I find disgusting and despicable.” Bloomberg has stated that he will not be hearing what Ahmadinejad has to say.

“So if they say, ‘Run to the country and see him arrive!’ or, ‘Quick, get downtown, see him come!’ don’t give them the time of day. The Arrival of the Son of Man isn’t something you go to see. He comes like swift lightning to you! Whenever you see crowds gathering, think of carrion vultures circling, moving in, hovering over a rotting carcass. You can be quite sure that it’s not the living Son of Man pulling in those crowds.” Matt. 24:26-28

Posted in Uncategorized

The Growing Kitchen Table

Our kitchen table will soon be moot. It was after all made for a family of four and as you all know that is about to change very soon. We’re deciding now if we should look at adding a chair and expanding our table (it is a butterfly table so it has a leaf) or if we should start looking for a whole new table and chair set.

Well, Furniture from Home has a ton of dining room furniture. All from the more traditional type of dining furniture to the more modern dining furniture. Some of the modern furniture looks like something right out of the Jetson’s, and while it’s not really MY style, it’s pretty cool to browse their site and see what people decorate with. I also like some of their more formal dining room furniture, but my style lands somewhere in between the modern and the formal.

I like how this site allows you to look at each piece closely. Buying furniture like this is a HUGE investment and not being able to see for your own eyes before purchase is often difficult. This site at least allows you to get a good idea of what you’re buying before it lands on your front door.

Posted in Disclosure

My Disclosure…

This policy is valid from 21 September 2007

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.

The owner of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers’ own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

To get your own policy, go to

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Myspace User?

So about a year and a half ago I was sucked into this world on the internet known as Myspace. While it has undergone a TON of criticism, I really enjoy keeping up with all of my friends from high school and college now that we’re all living in different areas around the country. I’ve even gotten entrapped in adding widgets and quizzes and all that fun stuff to my Myspace page.

MySpace blog quizzes has a ton of great quizzes and other widgets that you can add to your blog or myspace page. You can create your own quizzes or choose from thousands of quizzes that have been created by other users. You can even customize the colors to match your page.

.q_4yPI2g_c_t { background-color:#ecf7fd ! important; width:178px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; border: 1px solid; text-align: left; border-color:#414d5a ! important; } .q_4yPI2g_h_t { margin: 1px; padding:5px; background-color:#c7eafd ! important; font-size:13px ! important; } .q_4yPI2g_h_t a { color:#f7381c ! important; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } .q_4yPI2g_m,.q_4yPI2g_r { color:#0a0a0a ! important; padding:5px; font-size:12px ! important; } .q_4yPI2g_q { margin-bottom: 5px; } .q_4yPI2g_m a,.q_4yPI2g_r a{ color:#f7381c ! important; } .q_4yPI2g_fm { margin:0px; } .q_4yPI2g_fm label { } .q_4yPI2g_b { margin:10px 0 5px 0; text-align:center; font-size:12px ! important; } .q_4yPI2g_b input { padding: 2px 4px; } * .q_4yPI2g_b input { overflow: visible; } #q_4yPI2g_bt p { display: block; font-size: 11px !important; margin: 5px 0 10px; } .q_4yPI2g_f_t { text-align:center; margin: 1px; padding: 5px; font-size:10px ! important; background-color:#c7eafd ! important; } .q_4yPI2g_f_t a { color:#b60000 ! important; font-size:10px ! important; } .q_4yPI2g_a_c { background-color:#c7eafd ! important; padding:4px; margin-bottom:5px; } .q_4yPI2g_a_b { background-color:#f7381c ! important; height:10px; } .q_4yPI2g_c_t table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; margin-top: 5px; } .q_4yPI2g_c_t table td { vertical-align: top; padding: 1px 3px; } .q_4yPI2g_c_t table td.ans { vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; }
Heck Yah! I have done it
I know, but haven’t done it
Yes, but it didn’t work
Really? Cool, I will try it
Didn’t know, don’t care

Posted in Friday Felicities
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

* A hardworking husband who loves me
* Friends who love me despite my flaws
* Diet Coke
* Crunchy ice
* A God who never seems to stop blessing me
* A full night’s sleep!!! (hey…it has been almost 3 weeks since I’ve experienced that!)
* Whites fresh out of the dryer
* my boys who CONSTANTLY make me laugh..or scream…or both 🙂

Posted in Uncategorized

I’m a payperposty!

I know several of you use Pay Per Post and I’ve always THOUGHT about trying it, but not until recently did I really investigate the opportunity that it provides. As of last week, I am now a Pay Per Post blog. Don’t run off yet. I know that some people just run and say, “How can your blog be serious if you’re trying to make money off of it?”

My response? “Was my blog ever serious to begin with?” Haha…just kidding. Why aren’t you laughing?

Seriously, Pay Per Post is a great opportunity for me. Since I’ve been posting them I’ve made almost $30.00, well, once the blogs I posted are approved, I’ll have made that much. In a week. Not a WHOLE lot of money, but definitely a start. I plan on using this money to buy stuff online for piano lessons and my music class with the local homeschool co-op.

It’s really simple. You just check out their sponsored content, or opportunities and start posting about them. Several of the posts I’ve made have gotten comments…many more so then my normal blog posts, but I won’t dwell on that 🙂 So, I hope that you all continue to check out my blog and see what I’m posting about…I promise that even if I make money on the blog itself, I’ll still make it fun and enjoyable to read…well, I’ll try at least, I mean, I don’t want to change my blog up too much…you may wonder what happened to me?

Posted in the chillens

The days drag on…

I haven’t done an update in a while on my preggo self…okay…I’m not sure I’ve done one here at ALL…heh

I am 31 weeks today which means I am equal in size to a tour bus…at least that’s according to my good friend Dana. Love you too 🙂 I have a completely round and somewhat cute baby belly. However, the cuteness stops there…

You see, being in the third trimester in AUGUST (yes, I know it’s September already but I was in my third trimester in August…and it makes it more dramatic…so sue me) in FLORIDA is just plain miserable…ugh. It’s hot, hot, hot, hot, hot. I can no longer sleep a full night. I’m either up popping Tums for the heartburn or up b/c my bladder is about to explode (love my imagery don’t you?). My hips hurt, my back hurts, my belly contracts in a moment’s notice (don’t freak…just braxton hicks)…I’m tired.

I seriously could sleep for 3-6 months straight..heh

But…I’m about to have a BABY!!! Another little bundle that doesn’t talk back (yet) doesn’t scream as he runs through the house (yet) doesn’t punch and pick at his brothers (yet)…sigh…this is the life…at least for the next 6 months and then he’ll start to show himself…heh…

It’s hard for me to even fathom life with three little boys in the house. Ryley was only a single child for 11 1/2 months so I BARELY remember that. It’s been Ryley and Blake for almost 5 years now…it’s kind of hard to grasp the idea of there being THREE of them. THREE!!!!!!!!! What have I gotten myself into?? HELP!!!!!

Posted in Uncategorized

The Holidays are quickly approaching…ACK!!!

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m already feeling stressed about the holiday season this year. Sheesh. I’ve tried to get organized, but my life is just way to hectic and well, with this baby belly hanging in front of me…it’s just plain hard to get motivated.

It’s September already. Stores are already stocking shelves full of candy for Halloween, we have birthdays GALORE, a new baby, Thanksgiving, more birthdays and finally Christmas. Every year as I rush around the week before Christmas finishing up my shopping, I make myself promise that I will NEVER do that again…yet, I continually find myself doing it year after year after year.

I finally decided that with the new baby coming I was just going to get family portraits taken and be done with it. Everyone who knows us will be receiving a framed picture of US. Who would want anything else? Heehee…I kid. However, I really don’t like getting something so generic for people. It’s not about what I get people, or how much I spend, but the thought that I put into each gift.

Well, now I can do that without stressing over my budget. Coupon Chief allows you to do someonline shopping and save money all at the same time. You can make a wishlist for each of your loved ones and decide what you would buy for them and then browse through the different stores that are represented on their site to find the perfect gift. You can buy CD’s using Best Buy coupons or check out Leaps and Bounds deals on educational toys.

Now, don’t go telling all of my family that I’m buying with coupons…they just better be happy their not getting my picture for Christmas 🙂