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The Slap Heard Round the Living Rooms

OK…I am NOT a SAHM so I don’t normally get to see what is on daytime television (and for this I’m thankful). BUT I just saw THIS over at Shannon’s

I just don’t know what to say…

I mean, I knew that Rosie would be causing a rucus coming on to this show, but seriously, that show has never been anything BUT a rucus so I didn’t think anything of it. I knew she’d say things that would make me think WHAT!?!?!? But that’s why I don’t watch it…

Are we supposed to just turn a blind eye to hypocritical statements such as “Extremist Christians are the same as Extremist Muslims?” Are we supposed to just say, “Well, that’s her opinion.”? We live in a free country…GREAT! But at what level do we risk losing that freedom? Do we risk losing our freedom of speech when it is no longer okay to tell others the sacrifice that Christ made for them? Do we risk losing our freedom of speech when it is no longer possible to have praise music playing in the background of a department store? Do we risk losing our freedom of speech when it is no longer okay to pray in schools? To say the Pledge of Allegiance? To quote the Ten Commandments? To quote the Constitution!!!!

We as Christians are losing our freedom of speech and we don’t even REALIZE it! If you notice in that video that Shannon had on her blog, that Elizabeth kept trying to discuss the situation and was constantly interrupted. Elizabeth is a Christian and stern Bush supporter. We are losing our voice. But if you read the comments many people were willing to write it off to the fact that they EXPECTED that out of Rosie…you know what??? That’s fine…I kind of expected it too…But does that mean we are to just lay idly by and let television personalities walk all over Christ and those who follow him? NO!

If anyone would like to participate, please, click here to be directed to ABC’s website and email Barbara or any other person on the panel…Let’s keep this clean please…the last thing we need is for ABC to be comparing us to Muslim extremists…OH WAIT…they already are!

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New blog???

No…I’m not moving again 🙂

BUT….I just found a contest over at Bluebird Blog Design…

Click here to find out more…

Maybe I’ll win?? Bluebird is doing a drawing for a brand new blog design to kick off autumn and considering it is still in the 90’s here in FL, this lovely summery blog needs to kick into the fall season with new digs! So here’s to my name being drawn! HERE HERE!!

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Well, Since You Mentioned It…

I received the sweetest comment from Windy yesterday…actually it was my ONLY comment…I think she may be my only reader…so, hey Windy…how are ya??


I noticed in your comment you mentioned that you locked your little Gabe in the car…then you said Just Kidding…

Well, guess what?

I did it to Ryley…oh yes…on a hot summer day and all he was wearing was a diaper…

Here’s my story…

It was a lovely day unlike any other…I had just taken a pregnancy test that, despite my denial, came back positive. I already had a BABY…now I’m pregnant??? I was upset to say the least…okay…I was balling my eyes out uncontrollably sobbing so bad that my husband had to come home from work.

We both played for the church softball team and since I wasn’t quite ready to TELL anyone else I was preggos I decided I’d play softball…yeah…I did…I know it’s stupid but remember I was in denial…

We decided to stop at Pizza Hut for dinner and upon taking Ryley out of the car realized he had one of those nasty explosive type diapers…if you’re a mom you KNOW what I’m talking about…it was EVERY where…all over his clothes, carseat, everything.

We pulled him out of the car and got him all cleaned up. Well, Pizza Hut was right in front of Wally world and we decided to run over and get Ryley a new outfit so he wouldn’t have to go only in his diaper. So, we put Ryley in his carseat and I close the door. Mike and I both looked at each other in HORROR when we realized that YES our son was in the car and YES the keys were in the ignition…THANKFULLY the air was on!

I panicked! I went inside and asked for a phonebook…and I start flipping through histerically…I WAS LOOKING FOR A LOCKSMITH…yes I know how stupid that now sounds. Thankfully the woman behind the counter was MUCH smarter than me and suggests I call 911…hmmm…why hadn’t I thought of that? Could it have been the fact that I found out I was pregnant that day or the trauma of locking my baby in the car?? Hmmm…go figure…

The whole time I was standing there, this nice woman who was the epitimy of trailer trash kept telling me that they were going to take my baby away for neglect…I finally told her to shut up…heh…I would NEVER say that to someone but at that point I didn’t really like her and therefore didn’t feel like pretending to be nice to her…

Soo anyway…Mr. Policeman took what seemed FOREVER to get to us, but he eventually did and shimmied the lock…please note…if the a/c hadn’t been on I would have smashed every window on that car in my hormonal rage in order to get to my baby…Ryley slept through the whole thing…

We then went to Wally world to buy him some clothes since we had YET to eat dinner. Mike was still craving Pizza Hut but I REFUSED to set foot inside that restaurant for about 6 months because I was so embarrassed…

Sooo…yes, Windy…it happens to the best of us. So, if you really did lock Gabe in the car…don’t fret, you’re in with the right people 🙂

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I am SUCH the procrastinator….

I seriously have a problem….

I suffered from this lack of gumption while I was in college and really have just been plagued with it my entire life…

Well, sisters…It is time I arise!


Don’t freak…


It is officially September. This month concludes our life as we know it and shoves us off into a land of even more busy-ness…GOOD busy-ness though…

I have decided that I will NO longer succumb to the temptation to ‘put if off til later’

I have decided that YES I am going to get myself organized…

I am a very organized person, I just don’t really push myself to DO things…

My husband and I are going to dinner tonight and as much as I love him and want to spend some quality ALONE time with him over steak…part of me would just rather go home and snuggle with him on the couch and watch a movie…BUT we did THAT the past 2 nights (thanks Ernesto)…so, I’m even having to push myself to go OUT anymore…

The craziness is coming…We’re excited…but here’s what we’re looking at…

I’m directing the children’s choir this year…it starts Wednesday night and I have YET to order their musical books…sigh…I WILL do that tomorrow…NO JOKE!

Ryley started school last week and I still need to get him in for his physical and get the emergency form notorized…

Mike starts working at our church in a couple weeks…

Blake’s babysitter is going to be having major surgery and will be out of commission for a WEEK..gotta find something to do with him while I’m at work in the meantime…

New program is starting at church for the kids and we’ll be helping with that…

I’m going to be leading a Women’s Book Club at church. The first meeting is at my house…come to find out the first meeting is the same night that I am supposed to walking in the Heart Walk on the beach…


I’ve decided that I need a schedule…Oh…don’t be decieved…I keep calendars now…several as a matter of fact…BUT I rely on my calendar in my brain more than any other…THAT’s dangerous…

So…wait for future posts…I WILL be getting myself organized…

You like how I did that?? I just procrastinated again…heh…instead of telling you NOW…I’ll tell you later!